BEEFX Calf Marketing
As the BeefX Calf continues to gain pace and acceptance in the beef supply chain, genetics are essential to meet the criteria of the feedlots & packers. As more black calves enter the supply chain weekly the spread between the right ones and the wrong ones will continue to widen. We are here to help you navigate through your options by providing the following services
- Genetic consulting by identifying the correct bulls to use
- Marketing options through forward contracts and progressive pricing formulas
- Logistics options with regular scheduled pickups
This is an income source and inventory management tool for your dairy. We understand once cows are with calf, the market has to be there postpartum. As these calves are totally different than the traditional Holstein bull calf, they need to be priced and marketed differently. Our team has been marketing BeefX calves for dairy producers for over 10 years in Michigan, Indiana, & Ohio. We work with one reputable progressive grower to ensure competitive pricing and contracting based on the futures market which will ensure long term viability for the entire supply chain.
For more information contact Chad Kreeger 517-294-3484, Clay Papoi 517-526-1917 or any member of the K&A Team
The Schmucker Calf
A Consistent Supply of Uniform Beef X Feeder Cattle with Healthy Proven Results
For more information contact Gabe Papoi 989-444-8275 or any member of the K&A Team
COWtrade ONLINE Cull Cow Exchange
Semi Load & Half Load Lots Sold Thursday's at Noon
Click to Enter The Exchange
We also offer direct private treaty marketing on Cull Cows
For more information on our marketing options please contact
Michigan - Any member of the K&A Team
Northern Indiana - Brian Landis 574-536-5026